
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- Meeting rules at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines -- Init processSep 17 13:58
jwbFESCo meeting ping -- bpepple, dgilmore, dwmw2, jwb, notting, nirik, kick_, jds2001, j-rodSep 17 14:00
jwbHi everybody; who's around? Sep 17 14:00
*nirik is here. Sep 17 14:00
*dgilmore is here Sep 17 14:01
*jds2001 hereSep 17 14:01
jwbi think we're just waiting on j-rod.  the rest are probably at LPC or otherwise unavailableSep 17 14:01
jds2001do we have quorum with j-rod?Sep 17 14:02
rwmjones_I hope we're _not_ discussing mingw today ... both me & Dan Berrange aren't available, and Jef Spaleta _does not_ speak for the MinGW SIG despite what he may claimSep 17 14:02
jwbjds2001, 5 of 9, so yesSep 17 14:03
rwmjones_if we can postpone any mingw stuff til next week, we'll have proper packaing guidelines & packages to discuss, but neither are in a reasonable state at the momentSep 17 14:03
jwbrwmjones_,  i don't think he ever claimed that.  and you keep telling us that.  i think we got it nowSep 17 14:03
jwbrwmjones_, nevertheless, we can postpone that until next week.  it makes sense to do soSep 17 14:04
j-rodbackSep 17 14:05
jwbok, let's get startedSep 17 14:05
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCO-Meeting -- sponsor nominations -- Bernie InnocentiSep 17 14:05
jwbbpepple and dwmw2 both gave +1s to bernie on the listSep 17 14:05
rwmjones_jwb, yes please -- really the guidelines are in no state to be reviewed, we haven't been able to work on it last week, and things will be in much better next shape next week (I promise:-)Sep 17 14:05
jds2001+1 since he's working on gathering new OLPC contributorsSep 17 14:05
jwbrwmjones_, noted and officially moved :)Sep 17 14:06
rwmjones_thanksSep 17 14:06
jwbnirik, j-rod, dgilmore?Sep 17 14:06
*rwmjones_ goes\Sep 17 14:06
j-rodI have to abstain, I really didn't have a chance to look into his workSep 17 14:06
nirikI'm worried that he's done almost no reviews...Sep 17 14:06
j-rodand it sort of sounded like some that he *had* done weren't quite up to par...Sep 17 14:07
dgilmore+1, he is eager. and he learns well.  I will mentor him and keep an eye on himSep 17 14:07
j-rod(but all I know is what I vaguely recall reading in others' emails)Sep 17 14:07
nirik+1 with dgilmore helping him. ;)Sep 17 14:08
jwbi'm willing to +1 if dgilmore is helping tooSep 17 14:08
jwbthat's enough to passSep 17 14:08
j-rodlikewiseSep 17 14:08
jwbok, Bernie is now a sponsorSep 17 14:08
jwbanything else here?Sep 17 14:08
jwbok.  skipping MinGW at the request of rwmjones and due to a lack of people in general todaySep 17 14:09
jwbany objections on that?Sep 17 14:09
dgilmorenoneSep 17 14:09
jds2001nopeSep 17 14:09
j-rodnadaSep 17 14:09
niriknopeSep 17 14:09
jwbokSep 17 14:09
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCO-Meeting -- Features -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Red_Hat_MessagingSep 17 14:09
jwbdidn't we review this already?Sep 17 14:09
jwbor was this discussed on the list?Sep 17 14:10
jds2001yeah, on the list, but no one actually voted :)Sep 17 14:10
jwbah, rightSep 17 14:10
nirikit was discussed, but not approved. I think we had questions.Sep 17 14:10
nirikhttps://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/6Sep 17 14:10
jds2001yeah, and like a loser i didnt note it on the talk page.Sep 17 14:10
*jds2001 sucksSep 17 14:10
jwbok, so the big issue was the Red Hat naming right?Sep 17 14:11
jds2001or maybe I did and don't remember :)Sep 17 14:11
jds2001yeahSep 17 14:11
jds2001so noted on the feature pageSep 17 14:11
jwbin my understanding, this is an actual Red Hat project/productSep 17 14:12
j-rodyepSep 17 14:12
jds2001hmm, so are lots of things.Sep 17 14:12
jwblike what?Sep 17 14:12
nirikin any case, from the list: notting, nirik, jds2001, bpepple all +1Sep 17 14:12
jwbnirik, right thank youSep 17 14:13
*j-rod +1, doesn't really care about the nameSep 17 14:13
jwb+1 from meSep 17 14:13
dgilmorei think its ok +1Sep 17 14:13
jwbi know f13 is looking at using this in infrastructureSep 17 14:13
jds2001I mean if Red Hat is fine with it, so am I :)Sep 17 14:14
jwbthat's enough to pass.  Feature approved.Sep 17 14:14
jwbpoelcat, Red Hat Messaging feature is approvedSep 17 14:14
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCO-Meeting -- Features -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/GStreamer_dependencies_in_RPMSep 17 14:14
j-rodand the name is fineSep 17 14:14
nirikfrom the list: notting, nirik, jds2001, bpepple all +1Sep 17 14:15
jwbso is the Gstreamer thing actually in beta though?Sep 17 14:15
niriknot sure.Sep 17 14:15
*nirik goes to look. Sep 17 14:15
j-rodbig fat +1Sep 17 14:15
nirikyeah, it seems to be. Just the version that is in beta (I think)Sep 17 14:16
jds2001it is.Sep 17 14:16
jwbi'm a bit leery because it's a bit late, but +1 from meSep 17 14:16
*jds2001 running rpm-4.5.90-0.git8461.7Sep 17 14:17
*nirik looks over at codina... when does that get blocked? or has it already been?Sep 17 14:17
jwbdgilmore, care to vote?Sep 17 14:17
nirikah, already done. Cool.Sep 17 14:17
jwbok, this has passed alreadySep 17 14:18
jwbpoelcat, Gstreamer dependencies in RPM has also passedSep 17 14:18
dgilmore+1Sep 17 14:18
jwbnirik, can you update the ticket and close it out?Sep 17 14:18
*nirik goes to update the ticketSep 17 14:18
jwbhehSep 17 14:18
jwbok, moving onSep 17 14:18
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- Free discussion around FedoraSep 17 14:19
j-rodrewind half a sec...Sep 17 14:19
*nirik raises his hand. I have an issue to bring up. Sep 17 14:19
jwbj-rod, sup?Sep 17 14:19
j-rodif codeina gets dropped, we have no mp3 support that can be easily configured anymoreSep 17 14:19
j-rodpeople have to already have 3rd-party repos set upSep 17 14:19
j-rodsome users might view this as a regression...Sep 17 14:20
nirikj-rod: you have some way around that?Sep 17 14:20
*jds2001 in favor of the education part of codeinaSep 17 14:20
j-rodkeep codeina, I supposeSep 17 14:20
jds2001not the 'go buy Fluendo stuff' part.Sep 17 14:20
j-rodis there any reason it can't coexist?Sep 17 14:20
jwbi thought it was removed at Board request?Sep 17 14:21
nirikoh wait. we do still have it.Sep 17 14:21
jwbi could be wrong...Sep 17 14:21
jds2001not really, the second part i think is what folks had objections toSep 17 14:21
*nirik was typoing. It's still there. Sep 17 14:21
j-rodok, nothing to worry about then. :)Sep 17 14:21
jwbok.  nirik you had something?Sep 17 14:21
poelcatjwb: did you see my last minute request to hound the feature owners?Sep 17 14:22
nirikit's not been updated in many months tho.Sep 17 14:22
jwbpoelcat, one secSep 17 14:22
nirikso, I think we should find out if it's going to be updated or dropped...Sep 17 14:23
spoleebasigh.. ive never claimed to speak for the mingw sigSep 17 14:24
spoleebajust want to make sure thats clearSep 17 14:24
jwbpoelcat, so hounding seems fine...Sep 17 14:24
nirikShall we revisit next meeting and try and find out whats going on by then with codina?Sep 17 14:24
jwbpoelcat, did you need FESCo to do something there?Sep 17 14:25
jwbnirik, yesSep 17 14:25
j-rodyeah, would be good to knowSep 17 14:25
jwbnirik, ok did you have something else?Sep 17 14:26
nirikyes.Sep 17 14:26
jwbgo for itSep 17 14:26
nirikProposal: readd 'make force-tag' for now until we can work around workflow issues in the buildsys.Sep 17 14:27
jwbahSep 17 14:27
nirikthere are several patches that would make it's use moot... and many maintainers are bent out of shape about it.Sep 17 14:27
*jwb has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- re-add 'make force-tag'Sep 17 14:27
nirikI didn't realize so many people used it so heavily...Sep 17 14:28
*jds2001 wasn't envisioning the maintainers being bent out of shapeSep 17 14:28
jwbnirik, before we vote, i will point out that you would have to get +1s from every attending FESCo member today to pass it... Sep 17 14:28
nirikindeed.Sep 17 14:28
jwbso would you like to vote today, or wait until more are available next week?Sep 17 14:28
nirikjds2001: well, I was expecting some grumbling, but not the flamefest.Sep 17 14:29
ajaxi apologize for not sending a new version of the patch to the list yetSep 17 14:29
ajaxi'm a bit slammed with rhelSep 17 14:29
jwbajax, no apologies neededSep 17 14:29
ajaxplus i got some feedback that made me realize i should change the approach a bitSep 17 14:29
poelcatjwb: could you include reminder about those feature pages in the meeting summary?Sep 17 14:29
nirikwell, sooner would be better... if we vote it down today, I could always try again next week. ;)Sep 17 14:29
ajaxbut: will do, i promise.Sep 17 14:29
jwbpoelcat, yes, certainlySep 17 14:29
jwbj-rod, nirik, jds2001, dgilmore: voting on nirik's proposal nowSep 17 14:30
jwb+1Sep 17 14:30
dgilmorehonestly i dont want to make it easy for people to misuse.  I would propose we add back TAG_OPTS  so that someone could run TAG_OPTS=-F make tagSep 17 14:30
dgilmorethat way new users wont accidently do the wrong thingSep 17 14:31
nirik+1 from me... I do hope we can re-remove it or just make it so it doesn't matter anymore.Sep 17 14:31
j-rod+1Sep 17 14:31
jds2001so quick question here, i'm ignorant - have we actually seen misuse?Sep 17 14:31
jds2001+1 in any event.Sep 17 14:31
dgilmorejds2001: yesSep 17 14:31
jwbi believe it was unintentional misuse, but yesSep 17 14:32
*rwmjones_ is now known as rwmjones_afkSep 17 14:32
nirikyeah, I think there was even some of the bad already built and retagged kind.Sep 17 14:32
dgilmorethere wasSep 17 14:32
jds2001gackSep 17 14:32
nirikbut nothing we do would prevent that now, short of immutable tags.Sep 17 14:32
jwbdgilmore, so are you a -1?Sep 17 14:32
dgilmorewhich is why im proosing adding TAG_OPTS and keeping force-tag gone.  that requires thought and deliberate actionsSep 17 14:33
nirikdgilmore: would you be ok with re-adding force-tag with a nasty warning/timeout?Sep 17 14:33
dgilmorejwb: yes im -1 to adding it backSep 17 14:33
dgilmorenirik: i dont think soSep 17 14:33
nirikok, so how about the alternate TAG_OPTS proposal now?Sep 17 14:34
jds2001+1Sep 17 14:34
dgilmoreajax: would doing "TAG_OPTS=-F make tag" be acceptableSep 17 14:34
jwb+1Sep 17 14:34
ajaxdgilmore: sure.Sep 17 14:34
dgilmore+1Sep 17 14:34
nirik+1Sep 17 14:35
jwbj-rod, ?Sep 17 14:35
j-rodjwb: scroll back futher. ;)Sep 17 14:35
j-rodoh, sorrySep 17 14:35
j-rodnmSep 17 14:35
j-rod+1Sep 17 14:35
ajaxi'm fine with loaded guns having a sign on them saying they're loadedSep 17 14:35
*j-rod doing too many things at onceSep 17 14:36
nirikjwb: and can we put on the agenda next week to remove it again? :) KIDDING KIDDING! :)Sep 17 14:36
jwb:)Sep 17 14:36
nirikdgilmore: can you take care of modifying the Makefile.common? or would you like me to? or ?Sep 17 14:37
dgilmorejwb: i think TAG_OPTS has passwdSep 17 14:37
dgilmorenirik: ill revert the commit that removed itSep 17 14:37
jwbdgilmore, yesSep 17 14:38
jwbok, anything else?Sep 17 14:39
*jwb will end the meeting in 60 Sep 17 14:39
*jwb will end the meeting in 30 Sep 17 14:40
*jwb will end the meeting in 15 Sep 17 14:40
jwb-- MARK -- Meeting End Sep 17 14:41

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